Assessments Available

The follow assessments are available for individual purchase and in our monthly assessment plan options.

Comprehensive Assessments
The Spectrum Leadership Index™
This assessment measures the full spectrum of a leader:

7 different key drivers that most influence a person's leadership choices, decisions and actions.
15 factors that demonstrate how people act and communicate verbally and nonverbally, both on and off the job.
6 cognitive dimensions of leadership judgement
50 leadership soft skills that are related to superior performance on and off the job.

The Spectrum Sales Index™
This assessment measures the full spectrum of an individual in sales:

7 different key drivers that most influence a person's choices, decisions and actions in sales.
15 factors that demonstrate how people act and communicate verbally and nonverbally, both on and off the job.
6 cognitive dimensions of sales judgement
50 sales soft skills that are related to superior performance on and off the job.

The Spectrum Customer Service Index™
This assessment measures the full spectrum of an individual in customer service:

7 different key drivers that most influence a person's choices, decisions and actions in customer service.
15 factors that demonstrate how people act and communicate verbally and nonverbally, both on and off the job.
6 cognitive dimensions of customer service judgement
50 customer service soft skills that are related to superior performance on and off the job.

The Spectrum Work Life Index™
This assessment measures the full spectrum of an individual on the job:

7 different key drivers that most influence a person's work life choices, decisions and actions.
15 factors that demonstrate how people act and communicate verbally and nonverbally, both on and off the job.
6 cognitive dimensions of work judgement
50 work life soft skills that are related to superior performance on and off the job.

The Spectrum Healthcare Index™
This assessment measures the full spectrum of an individual working in healthcare:

7 different key drivers that most influence a person's choices, decisions and actions working in healthcare.
15 factors that demonstrate how people act and communicate verbally and nonverbally, both on and off the job.
6 cognitive dimensions of healthcare worker judgement
50 healthcare worker soft skills that are related to superior performance on and off the job.

Personal Drivers
Motivating Factors Index™
This assessment measures 7 different key drivers that most influence a person's life choices, decisions and actions. Find out what drives people and WHY they behave the way they do.

Conduct & Communication
DISC Behavioral Index™
This assessment measures 15 factors that demonstrate HOW people communicate verbally and nonverbally, both on and off the job. By understanding how someone interacts with others, you will be able to create better team dynamics, train managers to be more effective, and match people to appropriate positions within the organization.

Student DISC Behavioral Index™
This assessment measures 15 factors that demonstrate HOW students communicate verbally and nonverbally, both at school and at home. By understanding how the student interacts with others, you will be able to help them understand their own behavioral style, as well as get career suggestions based on their specific behaviors. Comes with job matches, salary information, action plan guide and access to career searching website with detailed career information.

DISC Behaviors and Motivators  
Behaviors and Motivators Index™
This assessment has both the DISC and Motivating Factors assessments. It measures 15 factors that demonstrate HOW people communicate verbally and nonverbally, both on and off the job and 7 different key motivators (personal drivers) that most influence a person's life choices, decisions and actions.

Find out WHY people do what they do and HOW they communicate.

Soft Skills  
Leadership Soft Skills Index™
This assessment measures 6 cognitive leadership dimensions, and 50 leadership soft skills that are related to superior performance on and off the job.

Sales Soft Skills Index™
This assessment measures 6 cognitive dimensions of sales, and 50 sales soft skills that are related to superior performance on and off the job.

Customer Service Soft Skills Index™
This assessment measures 6 cognitive customer service dimensions, and 50 customer service soft skills that are related to superior performance on and off the job.

Work Life Soft Skills Index™
This assessment measures 6 cognitive dimensions of work life, and 50 soft skills that are related to superior performance on and off the job.

Healthcare Soft Skills Index™
This assessment measures 6 cognitive healthcare dimensions, and 50 healthcare soft skills that are related to superior performance on and off the job.

Emotional Intelligence (EQ)  
Emotional-Social Intelligence Index™
This assessment measures a person's Emotional-Social Intelligence based on the following factors:

Intrapersonal Emotional Intelligence (Self-Awareness, Self-Esteem, Self-Motivation, Self-Management)
and Interpersonal Emotional Intelligence (Social Awareness, Empathy, Social Motivation Social Management)

Learning Styles  
Learning Style Index™
This assessment measures a person's preferred learning style blend based on 3 distinct learning categories: Auditory, Visual and Kinesthetic.

Change Readiness  
Change Readiness Index™
This assessment measures a person's attitude toward change based on 8 change factors:

It measures:
Flexibility, Adventurousness, Confidence, Optimism, Passion/Drive, Resourcefulness, Tolerance, and Resilience